Robyn Mathison Poetry Award 2024

Theme                  “Blue”

First Prize             $200.00

Second Prize            $50.00

Plus – Highly Commended and Commended Certificates


Closing Date   Sunday 3rd November 2024

The competition is open to all poets and residents in Australia. Work must be original, and previously unpublished.


One page only, 12-point Times New Roman font, and single-spaced.


Line Count 

Up to 40 lines in length


Do not put your personal details on the poem, only the title.


Please use a separate page for the poem’s title, line count, and your contact details (name, address, email, and phone number). This ensures a completely unbiased appraisal of your work.


Please follow the above instructions and email us two separate attachments –

  1. Your contact details
  2. Your entry/s


Send to –

Competition Co-Ordinator Mary Helen Farr at


Entry fee 

$10.00 for up to TWO entries.


Payment details for direct deposit –

Society of Women Writers Tasmania; Commonwealth Bank; BSB 067-601; Account no. 10168834

In the subject line please write RM Poetry Prize


Thank you. We look forward to your entries


Results of the 2024 Rose Frankcome Short Story Award

Thank you to all who entered the poetry competition and congratulations to the winning entrants.

1st Place: Halcyon by Jo France, New Town, Tasmania

2nd Place: Illumination by Suzi Mezei, Mt Eliza Victoria

High Distinction: Margaret Owen Ruckert, Oakley NSW

Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 SWWT Rose Frankcombe Short Story Award:

1st Place: 'What's in a Name'

Annabel Larkey

Sandy Bay. TAS

Highly Commended: 'Teacups'

Sandra James

Commended: 'Golden Age'

Heathcote. VIC

Aaron Ingram

Morningside. QLD


Many congratulations to the winners of the Robyn Mathison Poetry Competition. Thank you to our Patron, Sally Odgers, for judging this competition and to all the entrants who submitted poems. 

1st Place: Memo from the Hills by Robyn Sykes

2nd Place: Leaving by Beth Clapton

3rd Place: Worlds Apart by Janette Fernando


After the Storm by Anita Jawary

You, Me and the Tree by Sandra James

A Redolent Revival by David Atkinson.



                              Previous Competitions and Winners



Latest comments

09.06 | 12:40

Oops … just found the results. Apologies.

09.06 | 12:37

Id like to add my voice … do you know when the results will be posted?

22.04 | 04:54

Last July I posted a cheque for $25 for membership renewal; it was ...

19.02 | 05:58

I'd like to help. And solve the confusion. Please would you email me: janet...